117 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
118 GetAttachedSurface
119 Colorfill to back buffer
120 Flip
200 Loading Direct3D DLL
201 Getting Direct3DCreate address
202 Calling Direct3DCreate
203 EnumAdapterModes
204 GetDeviceCaps
205 No hardware supported display modes found
206 Creating test window
207 Creating 3D Device
208 GetBackBuffer
209 GetDesc
210 CreateVertexBuffer
211 CreateVertexBuffer
212 Lock
213 Unlock
214 SetLight
215 LightEnable
216 SetTransform
217 SetRenderState
218 Loading texture bitmap
219 SetTextureStageState
220 Setting texture
221 SetVertexShader
222 User Cancelled
223 Viewport::Clear
224 BeginScene
225 SetMaterial
226 SetStreamSource
227 SetIndices
228 DrawIndexPrimitive
229 EndScene
230 Present
231 User verification of Direct3D rendering
233 Loading DirectDraw DLL
234 Getting DirectDrawCreate address
235 DirectDrawCreate
236 SetCooperativeLevel to Fullscreen
237 SetCooperativeLevel to Normal
238 SetDisplayMode to 640x480x16
239 Creating flipping primary surface with one back buffer
240 GetAttachedSurface
241 Query for D3D
242 SetViewport
243 EnumTextureFormats
244 Creating Direct3D Surface
245 GetDC
246 ReleaseDC
300 Loading DirectSound DLL
301 Getting DirectSoundCreate address
302 DirectSoundCreate
303 SetCooperativeLevel
304 GetCaps
305 Loading WAV data
306 Emulated Driver testing
307 Primary Buffer
308 No free hardware buffer
309 Secondary buffer
310 SetPos
311 No sample
312 CreateEvent
313 SetNotification
314 Lock failure
315 Unlock failure
316 Play
317 GetCurPos
318 User verification of software
319 User verification of hardware
400 Call to CoInitialize
401 Creating the IDirectMusicLoader object
402 Creating the IDirectMusicPerformance object
403 Initializing the IDirectMusicPerformance object
404 Creating the IDirectMusicPort
405 Activating the IDirectMusicPort
406 Setting AutoDownload to TRUE
407 Adding the IDirectMusicPort to the IDirectMusicPerformance object
408 Assigning the PChannel block
409 Transferring music resource to a temporary file
410 Setting the search directory to the temp directory
411 Having the IDirectMusicLoader load the music
412 Playing the segment
500 Call to CoInitialize
501 Creating DirectPlay Object
502 Constructing DirectPlay addresses
503 Enumerating Sessions
504 Enumerating Players
505 Sending Chat Message
506 Receiving a DirectPlay message
507 Setting Peer Info
508 Creating Session
509 Joining Session
600 Invalid argument(s)
601 Generic failure
602 Unexpected error
603 Not implemented
604 Out of memory
605 No interface
606 Class not registered
700 Invalid mode
701 Invalid pixel format
702 Can't create DC
703 Not found
704 No DirectDraw support
705 No 3D
800 Invalid device
801 Initialization failed
802 Material create failed
803 Light set failed
804 Out of video memory
805 3D not available
900 Control not available
901 Bad format
902 Buffer lost
903 No driver
904 The request failed because DirectSound resources, such as the priority level, were already in use by another caller.
1100 Driver failed
1101 Ports open
1102 Device in use
1103 Insufficient buffer
1104 Chunk not found
1105 Bad instrument
1106 Cannot read
1107 Loader: bad path
1108 Loader: failed open
1109 Loader: format not supported
1110 Object not found
1200 Access denied
1201 Cannot add player
1202 Cannot create session
1203 An exception occurred
1204 Invalid object
1205 No connection
1206 Time out
1207 Busy
1208 Connection lost
1209 No service provider
1210 Not available
1300 You should reinstall DirectX to get the latest version.\n
1301 Problems were found in the system registry. Details are available in the saved text file.\n
1400 Home Edition
1401 Professional
1402 Server
1403 Advanced Server
1404 Datacenter Server
1405 Enterprise Server
1406 Web Server
1407 64-Bit Edition
1408 Server 2003, Datacenter Edition
1409 Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
1410 Server 2003, Standard Edition
1411 Server 2003, Web Edition
1412 Windows XP 64-Bit Edition Version 2003
1500 DirectX Diagnostic Tool
1501 The version of Winsock installed is out of date and can cause problems with networked games.\n
1502 NetMeeting is running. Direct3D hardware acceleration may not work until NetMeeting is shut down.\n
1503 none
1504 (NEC PC-98 series)
1505 %s%s (%d.%d, Build %d)
1506 Debug
1507 %s (Regional Setting: %s)
1508 %I64dMB used, %I64dMB available
1509 Final
1510 Beta
1511 Retail
1512 Unicode
1513 (%d CPUs)
1514 This is the Unicode version of DxDiag, which only runs on Windows NT. Please use the non-Unicode version of DxDiag on Windows 95 and Windows 98.
1700 ,
1701 , etc.
1702 <File Missing>
1703 The file %s is an old version, which could cause problems.\n
1704 Several files (%s) are old versions, which could cause problems.\n
1705 The file %s is a beta version, which is unsupported and could cause problems.\n
1706 Several files (%s) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems.\n
1707 The file %s is a debug version, which will run slower than the retail version.\n
1708 Several files (%s) are debug versions, which will run slower than the retail version.\n
1709 No problems found.\n
1710 The file %s is a beta version, which is unsupported and could cause problems. You should get a final version from the driver manufacturer.\n
1711 Several files (%s) are beta versions, which are unsupported and could cause problems. You should get final versions from the driver manufacturer.\n
1712 The file %s is a debug version, which will run slower than the retail version. You should get a retail version from the driver manufacturer.\n
1713 Several files (%s) are debug versions, which will run slower than the retail version. You should get retail versions from the driver manufacturer.\n
1714 The file %s is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.\n
1715 Several files (%s) are not digitally signed, which means that they have not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). You may be able to get a WHQL logo'd driver from the hardware manufacturer.\n
1716 The file %s is missing!\n
1717 Several files (%s) are missing!\n
1718 The file %s is incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.\n
1719 Several files (%s) are incorrectly installed in the Windows folder and should be deleted.\n
1720 %s %s
1721 The file %s is not digitally signed, which means that it has not been tested by Microsoft's Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL). Current drivers tested for a WHQL logo are only available on Windows ME, Windows 2000, and Windows XP. New Windows 98 drivers are no longer tested for WHQL logos.\n
1800 Enabled
1801 Disabled
1802 Not Available
1803 n/a
1804 (default refresh rate)
1805 (optimal refresh rate)
1806 unknown
1807 %d (or higher)
1808 The system is using the generic video driver. Please install video driver provided by the hardware manufacturer.\n
1809 Partially Disabled
1811 Hardware accelerated Direct3D %d+ is not available because the display driver does not support it. You may be able to get a newer driver from the hardware manufacturer.\n
1812 Display driver does not support API (DDI version too low)
1813 The test to use hardware-accelerated Direct3D %d was skipped because the display driver does not support it. You may be able to get a newer driver from the hardware manufacturer.
1900 An error occurred while setting your display to 640x480 mode with 16-bit color (high color). Your computer may not support this mode. This is not necessarily a problem, though some programs may not work without support for this mode.
1901 We'll skip the windowed tests since this device doesn't work in windowed mode.
1902 The following test will use DirectDraw to draw on the primary surface in normal (not fullscreen) mode. You should see some black and white rectangles on the screen.
1903 The following test will use DirectDraw to draw on the off-screen surface in normal (not fullscreen) mode. You should see a bouncing white box.
1904 The following test will use DirectDraw to draw in fullscreen mode. You should see a bouncing white box.
1905 This test will use hardware-accelerated Direct3D %d interfaces.
1907 Did you see alternating black and white rectangles around the screen?
1908 Did you see a bouncing white box?
1909 Did you see a bouncing white box?
1910 Did you see a spinning cube with the DirectX logo on the sides?
1911 That's the end of the DirectDraw tests.
2000 Emulated
2001 VXD
2002 WDM
2003 No sound card was found. If one is expected, you should install a sound driver provided by the hardware manufacturer.\n
2004 This is the default device for sound playback.\n
2005 3-D
2100 Your sound card does not support hardware buffering. Sounds will only play back from software buffers.
2101 Note: This audio device does not support native 16-bit audio. Some newer applications require this and may not work correctly on your system. However, DirectSound will attempt to enable these applications on your system whenever possible.
2102 That sound was:\n\n%s%s, %d-bit %dKhz, from a %s buffer.\n\nDid you hear the sound play?
2103 Software
2104 Hardware
2106 Mono
2107 Stereo
2108 Multichannel
2200 No DirectMusic ports were found.\n
2201 No General MIDI DLS file was specified in the registry.\n
2202 The specified General MIDI DLS file was not found.\n
2300 You should hear some music playing. Click OK to continue.
2301 If you have an external synthesizer hooked up to your computer, you should hear some music playing. Click OK to continue.
2302 Music Port activation failed because there was no sound driver found. Check whether your sound card is installed and working properly.
2400 No input devices detected.\n
2401 The input device '%s' reports Connection Manager problem #%d.\n
2402 The input port '%s' reports Connection Manager problem #%d.\n
2403 (Present)
2404 None
2405 Custom
2406 Two axis, two button
2407 Two axis, four button
2408 Two button gamepad
2409 Two button flightyoke
2410 Two button flightyoke with throttle
2411 Three axis, two button
2412 Three axis, four button
2413 Four button gamepad
2414 Four button flightyoke
2415 Four button flightyoke with throttle
2417 Default
2500 The registry information for the service provider '%s' is missing or damaged.\n
2501 The file %s, needed for the service provider '%s', is missing.\n
2502 The registry information for the DirectPlay application '%s' is missing or damaged. You should reinstall that application.\n
2503 The file %s, needed for the DirectPlay application '%s', is missing. You should reinstall that application.\n
2504 Not run
2505 Crashed
2506 Failed gracefully
2507 Passed
2600 Connecting to host....\n
2601 Successfully connected to host.\n
2602 Looking for sessions...\n
2603 Test User
2604 Test Session
2605 %s has joined the session.\n
2606 %s has left the session.\n
2607 Please enter a user name.
2608 Please enter a session name.
2609 Could not build a session list on the host machine you specified. It may not exist or it may not be present on the network.
2610 Session created at IP address %s\n
2700 DirectDraw test results:
2701 To test DirectDraw functionality, click the "Test DirectDraw" button above.\n
2702 DirectSound test results:
2703 To test DirectSound functionality, click the "Test DirectSound" button above.\n
2704 Direct3D %d test results:
2705 To test Direct3D functionality, click the "Test Direct3D" button above.\n
2706 To test DirectMusic functionality, click the "Test DirectMusic" button above.\n
2707 DirectMusic test results:
2708 DirectPlay test results:
2709 To test DirectPlay functionality, click the "Test DirectPlay" button above.\n
2710 This will test DirectDraw on this device. Okay to proceed?
2711 This will test Direct3D on this device. Okay to proceed?
2712 This will test DirectSound on this device by playing a sound effect using several different audio formats. Okay to proceed?
2713 This will test DirectMusic using the '%s' music port. Okay to proceed?
2714 The tests were cancelled before completing.
2715 All tests were successful.
2716 error code
2717 Failure at step %d (%s): HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)
2718 You cancelled the test by pressing a key.
2719 Direct3D functionality not available. You should verify that the driver is a final version from the hardware manufacturer.\n
2720 Test failed at step %d (%s): HRESULT = 0x%08x (%s)